HeartMath® One-on-One Coaching Sessions apply the tools and techniques from HeartMath®'s Building Personal Resilience™ (BPR) Program.
Learn science-based techniques that change the way your body's physiology responds to stressful situations so that you can better respond to life.
The techniques can be used on-the-go as well as off-line to regulate and recharge your energy throughout the day.
Practicing these energy management techniques helps build resilience and your ability to maintain composure and clarity.
In-person services are offered within the Santa Fe, NM area and where travel is arranged.
The Continental US is served remotely by phone or Zoom. International clients are served by Zoom.
A one-hour session tailored to address your specific and immediate needs.
Six, one-hour private sessions personalized for your unique situation.
A Private Coaching Session is about focusing on you and your immediate needs. I'll listen to your goals and current experiences and walk you through a HeartMath® technique to address your need. Together, we'll practice the technique to make an emotional shift, and set you up to use the technique in your daily life.
60 minute Private Coaching Session
With the Private Resilience Program, we'll walk through the HeartMath® Building Personal Resilience™ program in the privacy of one-on-one sessions and develop a skill set and practice that is effective and sustainable in your daily life.
The program is customized for your personal goals, learning preferences and pace. The spacing of the sessions is flexible and is tailored to your progress and needs.
Private Resilience Program
HeartMath is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc. (dba HeartMath, Inc.). For all HeartMath trademarks go to www.heartmath.com/trademarks.